Impacting Lives For Christ
To glorify God and show people the way of salvation in Jesus Christ through praying, preaching, teaching, witnessing, serving and giving sacrificially with enthusiastic and joyful Christ-like love.
Our Mission
Join us for worship!
Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am
Impacting Lives for Christ
Impacting Lives for Christ
Impacting Lives for Christ
Impacting Lives for Christ • Impacting Lives for Christ • Impacting Lives for Christ •

Spring Discipleship Opportunities
Watch a recent service!
We livestream all of our services at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings, and they are available to watch on-demand immediately following. So whether you’re snowed in, out of town, or feeling under the weather, you can still join us online!
We hope to see you soon!
Sign-up for our Prayer Chain!
If you’d like to receive notifications of prayer requests/information about what’s going on at FRC, fill out the form below to sign up today!